XR.club lets users work with a number of asset types.
Most of these assets are 3D related, but there are also some that are used for classic HTML / CSS coding, as well as others that are used to define behaviours for the CMS, or for 3D compositions.
Some assets are created externally, such as textures which can be created in an image editing / drawing sofware such as PhotoShop, or 3D models in a 3D modelling software like Blender or 3DS Max.
Others are procedurally generated by code, such as VisComps. A procedural asset passes the data defined in the document that represents it to a piece of code that will then create the asset. As an example, a VisComp is a procedural asset, and is created by giving its parameters such as light and effects to a piece of code that will create it.
In the CMS, assets are roughly grouped together by categories in the top menu.
3D Assets
A 3D scene always consists in:
- a camera, which may be controlled by the user
- one or more objects
It can also contain:
- light(s)
- postprocessing effects
All of these as well as their building blocks have corresponding asset types.
HTML / CSS assets
HTML and CSS documents are also assets that can be stored in the cloud, to easily integrate 3D web visuals inside a classic web page.
Type Definitions
If you’re a coder, you will (hopefully!) never have to interact with these.
These are the base of the cloud, as each asset is generated from the associated TypeDefinition.
Various assets are used to store information about music playback / input preferences, MIDI synthesiser details.
Various Parameters
There are other assets which serve as reusable parameters: CMS configurations, audio visual settings, user preferences