Let’s have a look at how we can edit an asset.
Log in to the system
As a new user, you won’t see any compositions: by default, the CMS only shows your own documents.
Select the option to view all users.
Search for ‘Flat’
Select the document by clicking the circle in its top left corner, then clicking the ‘clone’ icon in order to clone it.

Open the newly generated document’s page by clicking on its thumbnail .
Click edit, give it a new name then save. We’ll be coming back to this composition later on in the manual so make sure you remember its name!
Editing parameters through the CMS
Now let’s make some changes. Click the ‘view’ icon in order to open the VisComp ( Visual Composition ) in a new tab.
We’ll first start with the most obvious change: we’ll change the colors in the composition.
In this case, the colors are accessed in the ‘materials’ line.
Click ‘pick’ in order to open the browser.
You can now browse a variety of color sequences.
Let’s pick one.
Click save at the bottom of the page, or use Command + Shift + s to save the changes.
Go back to the tab where the VisComp is visible and refresh it: you should now see the updated colors.
Let’s modify a few other parameters and see what they do: change the number under ‘count’, ‘dimZ’ and ‘torusArc’.
Refresh the VisComp again, and try to identify how the changes you’ve made have affected the visuals – the names of the parameters you’ve modified should already give you a hint.
From the view page, you can press Ctrl + Option + t ( ctrl + alt + t ) to take a screenshot of the composition.
Editing parameters through the Edit app
Editing the asset in the CMS in one tab and having to refresh the view app in another tab is a bit of a hassle.
Luckily, we have an Edit app to do all of this on a single page!
Go to the thumbnail of the VisComp and click the edit app icon. The edit app will open in a new tab and you’ll be able to instantly see the results of your changes.
Don’t forget to save! You can also use the ‘save as new’ button to save these parameters to a new composition and leave the original one untouched.
Watch out
If you make changes and save them in the Edit app, make sure you refresh the document page before you make any changes there – else you’ll overwrite your changes when saving from the document page.
To do
Try the same process with other compositions. Then do the same thing with a Shader.ProceduralTexture